Press …The collaboration between a confident interior designer and trusting clients has totally modernized the grand old home. HOUSE&GARDEN Mickan mixes period and styles, turning unmatched parts into an impeccable whole. INSIDE OUT Clever use of colour gives this room a mix of sophistication and energy… HOME BEAUTIFUL It is all pieced together with an eye for scale and a great deal of bravado. INSIDE OUT Interior Designer Brett Mickan’s apartment flows with a creative use of colour… VOGUE LIVING AE39-cover-with-3d-effect The-Local-Project-Crawford-Place-2023 Australian-House-Garden-November-2023-Cover BE2302p001 Marketing-Cover v0.3 Art Edit Cover Australian-House-Garden-November-2022-Cover-copy HG1022p000 COV mkt Home-Beautiful-June-2022-CoverMarketing Home-Beautiful-April-2022-Profile-Brett-Mickan-cover v0.55 Australian-House-Garden-May-2021-Cover HG-Top-50-Rooms-Cover-2021-Kitchen HG-Top-50-Rooms-2021-Cover-A COVER HG0320p000 Cover HG1905p001-003 Cover v0 Belle April 2019, Cover HG1811-HG1118p053 Cover H&G August 2018 Cover-HG-Feb-2018 H&G Nov 17 Cover no Barcode AE14 OFC Belle October 2017, Cover - JHJ cover-july Belle Loves Cover Belle April 2017 Domain-Magazine-17SEP16 Art-Edit-Spring-2016-Cover Art-Edit-Winter-2016-Cover HG-cover-June-Web-Ready Belle-May-2016_Cover-adjusted « ‹ 1 of 2 › »